Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Things I am grateful for

Things I miss most about home (U.S.):
Efficiency when trying to get things done
Family and friends back home
Laundry machines
Clean, indoor bathrooms (both public and private)
Sinks with running water
American stoves, ovens and microwaves
Refrigerators and freezers
Lack of constant cockroach, ant and rodent infestations
Easy access to clean water
No malaria and no schistosomiasis
Good dentists
Hi-speed internet, especially at home
TV Shows: The Daily Show, Colbert Report, South Park, The Office, Lost, Anthony Bourdain, Top Chef
Movie Theaters
Going out to bars and cafes with friends
Coffee shops (lattes and iced coffee)
Pandora Radio and NPR
Having my own seat when using public transportation
Good telephone connections
Speaking English whenever I want
Hot tubs and pools
Good wine, beer, margaritas, mojitos
American food (pretzels, whole grain bread, crackers, baby spinach salads, chips and salsa, cheese, ice cream, olives, apples, broccoli, mushrooms, cereal and cold soy milk)

Things I will miss about Madagascar when I leave:
Malagasy friends
PCV friends
Lush tropical forest
Deserted beaches
Rice paddies
The variety of fresh, local tropical fruits
Biking and hiking around my site to do health outreach activities
Malagasy music
Fresh, local, pesticide-free, cheap, healthy food
Malagasy hospitality and sense of community
How easy it is to make friends here
The slow pace of life
The funny sounds people here make when speaking in Malagasy
Speaking in Malagasy in general
Frip (used clothing) markets and lambas (colorful, Malagasy cloth wraps)
Malagasy peoples’ unique sense of style
Warm weather all the time
How easy it is to live “green” (water conservation, no electricity, public transportation only, eating local and organic, lack of processed foods)
Free healthcare from Peace Corps
A non-office job
Lack of TV and Internet (I read more books and am more productive)
Fresh, homemade soymilk

1 comment:

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